2014 has been a year very different from any previous. Lots of great changes have been occurring, a few obstacles as well, but in all of that activity I have kind of lost sight of Surrounded by Scraps. Or rather, I've put the scraps part of it on hold. My time and efforts in making things has been focused on getting The Creative Bungalow off the ground with Cherie and working on some personal projects. Like this beaut for instance:
And maybe a little dip into this, too:
And then yesterday something changed.
The Creative Bungalow got our first Etsy sale that came directly from Etsy (as opposed to the kit my friend Niki purchased during our first month online! Thanks, Niki!!) Ironically it caused us quite a commotion. There had to be a proxy delivery of inventory from Cherie's studio where it usually lives, meeting at 9:15pm a little off-course for all involved (but not TOO out of the way, thankfully) in order to get the order filled in a timely manner. But it's done! And we are thrilled.
And then today I just got a custom quilt request for Surrounded by Scraps, also through Etsy. My Etsy shop has been silent as the hills all year, so to get an inquiry into a potential project just hours on the heels of TCB's sale is exhilarating. Now, I know better than to get ahead of myself on the custom order requests. I've gotten burned in the past, putting way too much energy into trying to snag a big order. More than once. Though sometimes it does pan out.
So I now approach cautiously, putting all cards on the table and making sure the details are spelled out and amenable to all parties before investing too much time or money. Is that cynical of me? Let's just call it practical.
That being said, I am staying optimistic that something will pan out with this order. From the details that were shared with me it looks like it could be a lot of fun! And after the trip to NY for the wedding AT THE END OF THIS MONTH my sewing schedule will be seriously freed up! That is unless kits start flying out of The Creative Bungalow and we jump in with more and more! See, optimism!!